I am enjoying a day off. Today I also started a new graduate class. I am getting my Master's degree in education online through Abilene Christian University. In every course, they have reading and reflection focused on spiritual matters. (I think I have mentioned it before) I must recommend a book I am reading for this class. It is "A Resilient Life" by Gordon MacDonald. I am learning much about myself, and have gleaned many useful quotes from this book. I will share one that is a quote from chapter 8, "Resilient People Cultivate Christian Character."
"There is one sister in the community who has the knack of rubbing me the wrong way at every turn; her mannerisms, her ways of speaking, her character strike me as unlovable. But then she's a [sister]; God must love her dearly; so I am not going to let my natural dislike of her get the best of me.
Thus, I remind myself that [Christian] love is not a matter of feelings; it means doing things. I have determined to treat this sister as if she is the person I love best in the world. Every time I meet her, I pray for her, and I offer [thanks] to God for her virtues and her efforts. I feel certain that Jesus would like me to do this."
- from the writings of St. Therese of Lisieux
Each chapter is filled with precious lessons that apply to my life in some way or another. I have found parts to use at school with some of my student groups. Some parts clarify "the big picture" for members of my family and myself, others I would like to use in a Bible study class or Ladies' class.
On a more personal note, I have joined the Kroc Center here in Kerrville to use their fitness facilities. It is a brand new facility run by the Salvation Army in partnership with the Kroc family. You can see pictures and read about this amazing place at this website: