"I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Surprise Sunday

This morning while I was getting ready for church I had a surprise- the black pants that I put on wouldn't stay up!!!! I had to re-think my whole outfit. :) My belt was too big a few days ago and now this! woo-hoo!

I need to back track a few days. TAGT conference was great! (mostly) I tried to eat some b-b-q chicken before our presentation on Thursday and it was a disaster! Pain, nausea and the inevitable "rejection by the body" made for an upsetting prelude to what was a good presentation. We had around 50 come to our session. There were lots of good questions and interest. I spent the rest of the afternoon resting in the hotel room. I was feeling better and Mark came by after work to take me to their house. I got to meet Jaxon and Aunt Christy (Tara's aunt) and have a short visit with them (Jessica stopped by for a minute too.) I was not "up to" going to dinner so Mark took me back to the hotel. I got some yogurt and fresh fruit at the coffee bar for dinner. I learned fast that the fresh fruit,while it tasted wonderful, did not agree with my new tummy. I was able to eat the yogurt with no problem. The next day I went to several great sessions and ate lunch with the team with no problems. (cream of broccoli soup, some tuna salad and rolls.)

So today I am celebrating the "surprise of the black pants!!" I am still on the learning curve and I am astonished at the things that work and those that don't.

Quote from Peggy's book:

"Every day holds the possibility of a miracle."

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