"I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturdays are a gift after a long week

Saturday - Love it! Somehow it passes much more quickly than other days.

I am feeling great! yesterday was a "too busy" day, but that is true of most Fridays in the Challenge Lab. It is such a wonderful way to celebrate the hard work of the students and they are so excited to come to the lab when they have earned their time to be there. It is truly a win-win!

I did well yesterday with my eating. It was interesting, the staff brought "breakfast" food for our Assistant Principal Substitute whose last day with us was yesterday. I went into the break room where everything was laid out and, it wasn't even very appetizing to me, because when I looked at most of it I imagined the consequences of my current state and it just wasn't worth it. I call that progress!!!

I am going to call BMI on Monday to talk about my difficulty with my pills. When I take some of them I get really nauseous. I have tried 1/2 pills, and spacing them out and I still struggle with the nausea. So I will ask about liquid forms, or other ways to handle the situation. I am wondering about discontinuing some of them...... we shall see.

Today is a beautiful day, the weather is wonderful, cool and sunny. John and I are going to see Jenny in Austin this afternoon, and will come back in time for church tomorrow ( I get to start teaching the Kinder Bible class) and it should be a wonderful day for the drive. I am getting back into dreaming about projects at school, which is always a positive sign!

My thought today is from Peggy's book:

"Don't get so busy that you forget to simply be. Sometimes the best way to sop being overwhelmed by life is to simply step back, take a day...or an hour...or a moment, and notice all that God is doing in your life."

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